Nigel Holland ” There are thousands of Zombie firms out there which have been supported by generous government packages and are likely to fold as soon as this support is removed.These businesses can barely survive at the moment and are treading water. They are...
Marcel Flores aka Totty has won the Holland & Co Chartered Accountant’s Chess Cup. He did so in a dramatic way against numerous opponents under 15 minute rules. Holland & Co Chess Cup winner ” Totty is very familiar with the Reti system and is a...
Nigel Holland The Holland & Co Chartered Accountants Chess Cup has been purchased from Warrington Trophy World. The tournament is about to commence. The competition is scheduled to go ahead shortly and the organizers are currently in discussion regarding the...
Nigel Holland “There is a lot of information which has been published by the Government concerning the loans which are being handed out by the State.These loans are not applicable to everyone however the availability of loans to the business community is...