Nigel Holland
Nigel Holland

“There is a lot of information which has been published by the Government concerning the loans which are being handed out by the State.

These loans are not applicable to everyone however the availability of loans to the business community is currently fairly easy to obtain.

Here are some figures produced by the Government on how much money has been lent out and which type of loans they are.”

Nigel Holland

HM Treasury coronavirus (COVID-19) business loan scheme statistics – GOV.UK

Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS)

Data up to close of businessValue of Facilities ApprovedNumber of Facilities ApprovedTotal Number of Applications
10 May£6.09bn35,91964,531
17 May£7.25bn40,56481,124
24 May£8.15bn43,04584,607
31 May£8.92bn45,84389,724
7 June£9.56bn47,65093,305
14 June£10.11bn49,24796,492
21 June£10.53bn50,48298,975
28 June£11.07bn52,275104,569
5 July£11.49bn53,536107,309
12 July£11.85bn54,538109,235
19 July£12.20bn55,674112,212

Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS)

Data up to close of businessValue of Facilities ApprovedNumber of Facilities ApprovedTotal Number of Applications
10 May£0.36bn59450
17 May£0.59bn86496
24 May£0.82bn154502
31 May£1.11bn191579
7 June£1.57bn244615
14 June£1.77bn279661
21 June£2.10bn315709
28 June£2.33bn359745
5 July£2.58bn394783
12 July£2.73bn412809
19 July£2.89bn428831

Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS)

Data up to close of businessValue of Facilities ApprovedNumber of Facilities ApprovedTotal Number of Applications
10 May£8.38bn268,173363,646
17 May£14.18bn464,393581,516
24 May£18.49bn608,069769,137
31 May£21.29bn699,354873,192
7 June£23.78bn782,246964,414
14 June£26.34bn863,5841,057,130
21 June£28.09bn921,2291,123,683
28 June£29.51bn967,3211,186,006
5 July£30.93bn1,013,4101,240,701
12 July£31.70bn1,047,6111,282,639
19 July£32.79bn1,084,1531,316,970

Future Fund

Data up to close of businessTotal number of applicationsNumber of convertible loans approvedValue of convertible loans approved
27 May419n/an/a
31 May464n/an/a
7 June53353£55.9m
14 June577155£146.0m
21 June623252£236.2m
28 June674322£320.6m
5 July722376£379.9m
12 July750429£419.6m
19 July781465£468.7m


  1. The management information for CBILS, CLBILS and BBLS is reported on behalf of accredited lenders. For Future Fund this is reported on behalf of the British Business Bank. HM Treasury accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of these figures.
  2. Figures for CBILS, CLBILS and BBLS show cumulative applications and approvals up to close of business on 19 July 2020 by accredited lenders, as reported to HM Treasury by close of business 20 July 2020.
  3. A full list of accredited lenders for CBILS, CLBILS and BBLS can be found here.
  4. Management information (MI) are not classified as statistics. The MI in this release reflects timely information and do not suffer from lag effects. However, the trend from weekly figures may show some volatility. Moreover, these are initial figures which have not been rigorously quality assured and do not include data from all accredited lenders.
  5. UK Finance have also previously published MI on CBILS, but this only covers accredited lenders which are members of UK Finance. This data is available here.
  6. Future Fund opened for applications on 20 May 2020. Provided that applicants provide the information required during the application process in a timely manner, it is expected that the process will take a minimum of 21 days from initial application to funding being made available. Convertible loans are reported as approved at the point the Convertible Loan Agreement document is issued by Future Fund for signature. The time to applicants subsequently receiving funds will depend on the speed with which they complete the documentation.
  7. The Code of Practice for Statistics (the Code) is built around 3 main concepts, or pillars: trustworthiness, quality, and value. The following explains how we have applied the pillars of the Code in a proportionate way.
  • Trustworthiness – the figures are based on management information supplied to HM Treasury by accredited lenders for CBILS, CLBILS and BBLS and by British Business Bank for Future Fund and represent their best estimates of the published totals. To support the management of departmental business, figures have been seen in advance by ministers and officials. This is in line with the Code, where pre-release access does not apply for releases based on routine management information – as covered in paragraph 3.6 of the National Statistician’s guidance.
  • Quality – the information presented is provided by accredited lenders for CBILS, CLBILS and BBLS and by British Business Bank for Future Fund based on their management information. Quality assurance processes are built in the design of the templates and the data production processes in the Treasury.
  • Value – in publishing this data, we aim to support the information needs of society, parliamentarians and stakeholders. Business loan schemes are one part of the unprecedented support for public services, workers and businesses the Government has implemented to protect against the current economic emergency.