Alarming treatment by HMRC

Nigel Holland The treatment of taxpayers by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is undeniably alarming and concerning. The shift of Whitehall business towards digital platforms, known as “digital by default,” has been steadily progressing, leaving many...

What is the future for interest rates?

Nigel Holland recommends reduction in interest rates ” The increase in interest rates must stop to prevent the economy being harmed. The Bank of England were right to raise rates in the past because of inflation. As these problems start to disappear it is time...

Iljona joins Holland & Co Chartered Accountants

Iljona Fusha of Holland & Co Chartered Accountants ” It is great that Iljona has joined our firm because she has an excellent academic record which includes: Master’s degree (MSc) in Accounting and Finance taken at the University of Huddersfield a...

New staff at Holland & Co Chartered Accountants

Shah ” It is great news that Shahjahan Khan has joined our practice. Shah is a graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University where he obtained a first class honours degree in Accounting and Finance. He shows attention to detail, problem solving skills,...

VAT Penalty alert

Nigel Holland “The changes to the VAT penalty regime are now in force. The regime is automated as many processes adopted by HMRC are these days. We have found that if there is a problem with a scheduled payment or VAT or submission of a return this problem may trigger...