HMRC has decided that, following a recent review, it will continue its risk based approach to Pay As You Earn Real Time Information late filing and late payment penalties this tax year.
Instead of the penalties being issued automatically, the tax authority will consider them on a risk assessed basis during 2019/20. As confirmed by HMRC, penalties for 2019/20 will be issued from September 2019.
In the latest Employer Bulletin, it was stated that ‘HMRC will not charge penalties automatically for 2019/20, provided a Full Payment Submission (FPS) is filed within three days of the payment date. Where there is a pattern of persistent late-filing within three days of the statutory filing date, employers will be reviewed and may be charged a filing penalty as part of HMRC’s risk-based approach.’
PAYE payments made to HMRC electronically are to be submitted by the 22nd of the month (or quarter for those eligible to pay quarterly) following the tax month or period to which they relate. For non-electronic payment methods, the deadline is the 19th of the following month or quarter to which the payment relates.
Quote from Nigel Holland:
“Make sure you make your PAYE payments on time otherwise you will receive penalties and interest will be accrued on them until the total amount is paid.”