Alison Brittain
Premier League

Dear Alison,

I am writing in full support of Andy Burnham’s recent correspondence dated December 2 regarding Everton Football Club’s deduction of points. I share his concerns about the Premier League’s conduct in this matter, particularly the alleged abuse of authority against Everton.

Andy’s detailed analysis, highlighted by the discrepancies in your response to his initial letter, sheds light on critical issues surrounding Everton’s case. The discrepancy between the Premier League’s approach and that of the English Football League (EFL), as elucidated in your communication, raises significant questions about fairness and consistency within the Premier League’s decision-making process.

Specifically, Andy has meticulously outlined how the Premier League seemingly attempted to introduce a sanctioning policy clandestinely. The Premier League’s distinction between a “formula” and a “policy” seems ambiguous and raises concerns about selective application. This selective usage, whether limited to Everton’s case or intended for broader application across clubs, poses a threat to the fairness and integrity of the Premier League’s decisions.

Furthermore, Andy has aptly highlighted the Commission’s reluctance to adopt the structured formula proposed by the Premier League, citing potential compromises to its authority. The lack of comprehensive reasoning behind the Commission’s decision, which seemingly aligns with the Premier League’s implied formula, invites perceptions of undue influence and an abuse of process.

In light of these concerns, Andy rightfully urges for transparency and fairness, seeking the publication of crucial information related to the Premier League Board meeting on August 10 and the complete version of Mr. Masters’ witness statement, particularly Section 7.

Given the gravity of these issues and their implications not only for Everton but also for all Premier League clubs and their supporters, I stand firmly in alignment with Andy Burnham’s pursuit of transparency and fairness in this matter. It’s essential to uphold the integrity of the league and ensure equitable treatment across all clubs.

Therefore, I implore you to consider Andy’s requests for transparency and disclosure, acknowledging their relevance to the Football Governance Bill and the wider football community’s interests.

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Holland

Shareholder of Everton Football Club