Melanie Heatley-Shakeshaft has successfully completed her internal Level 1 Sage 50 Accreditation Diploma.

To obtain the diploma Melanie completed a number of modules which included:

– Understanding reports in the system that aid in the completion of tasks such as Pay Elements Reports and Company Detail reports

– Navigating confidently in Sage 50 Payroll

– Correcting errors during processing using the Rollback and Restore functions

– Completing Period End Routines including producing the P32

– Processing electronic payments to employees and HMRC directly from Sage Payroll

– Setting up new starters and processing leavers

– Checking the legislation settings in her Sage software.

– Emailing appropriate payslips to employees.

– Performing and submitting RTI routines including:

– Full Payment Submission (FPS)

– National Insurance Number Verification (NVR)

– Employer Payment Summary (EPS)

Quote from Melanie:

“ I have already completed my AAT Technician Diploma level 4 in 2015 and when I joined Holland & Co Chartered Accountants I was very keen to study a payroll qualification to support my already thorough experience.

The complexities of payroll processing for businesses are getting more and more onerous as time moves on.

The RTI rules have been with us for some time now and it is important that businesses do not just rely on the sage software to ensure that they are compliant.

It is my opinion that all payroll operators should regularly read quality financial publications so that they can keep abreast of changes which apply to the payroll function.

At Holland & Co we regularly refer to the HMRC website which enables us to monitor frequent changes in legislation relating to payroll administration.

We also produce regular daily updates on our own website and many of these updates refer to payroll administration and are completely free of charge.”

Quote from Nigel Holland:

“ Melanie has done well to obtain our internal Level 1 Sage 50 Payroll Diploma.

This achievement is a much more rigorous examination compared to the equivalent external exam because at our firm we include additional modules.

One of these modules includes additional tasks such as a mentoring module which require Melanie to explain the key components of her qualification to other members of staff.

As a result of this mentoring module our firm now have additional staff who are in a position to cover for Melanie if she is ever off work.

Many firms are unable to cope with the complexities of payroll red tape and should consider outsourcing this time consuming work.

If they outsource it to a reputable firm they can then spend more time running their business and making more money.”