Aleem Mohammad, who has a first class degree in Accountancy has joined Holland & Co Chartered Accountants.
‘I would like to welcome Aleem to Holland & Co Chartered Accountants and look forward to working with him. He has excellent qualifications and he has know for many years that he wanted to become an Accountant.
He will start off his training by being given wide exposure to many different practical aspects involved in his new position as an Accountant. We shall bring him up to speed with knowledge on the many types of software which we regularly use at our firm including Excel spreadsheets, Kashflow, IRIS, Sage etc. We shall also provide guidance on how Aleem can submit self assessments online to HMRC as well as CT600 forms for corporate clients.
There is a great deal of practical experience which Aleem needs to learn and to integrate these skills with his academic achievements.’
Quote from Nigel Holland
‘I am looking forward to working at Holland & Co Chartered Accountants, learning the skills involved in Accountancy and qualifying as a Chartered Accountant.’
Quote from Aleem Mohammad
Aleem has studied and has previously obtained experience in
Time management, Verbal and Written Communication, Adaptability, Teamworking, Leadership, Flexibility and
Technical/Analytical skills, Attention to detail, Organisational skills, Commercial Awareness, Negotiation, Accounting
Standards (GAAP), Regulatory standards and Critical thinking.
Microsoft Excel
VLOOKUP, Pivot tables, flash fill, COUNTIF, Filters, Conditional Formatting, Charts, SUMIF, IFERROR, Slicers and
Power pivots.
Experience with:
Oracle, Blackline, Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook.